February 2018

Why Wont My Ukulele Stay in Tune Gear Guru

Why Won’t My Ukulele Stay in Tune?!

GEAR GURU BY MAMIE MINCH | FROM THE SPRING 2018 ISSUE OF UKULELE Q: I have been playing ukulele for about a year. I’m a melody/chord player, and play a tenor with a low G. I practice almost every day, and…

Spring Uke Events

Ukulele Events
March, April, May, & June 2018

Compiled by Audrey Coleman Submission Information Listings are free for ukulele events. Deadlines for the next four issues are: May 1, 2018 (Fall 2018 issue) August 1, 2018 (Winter 2018) October 1, 2018 (Spring 2019) February 1, 2019 (Summer 2019)…


Ohana Shows Wide Range of New Ukes at Winter NAMM 2018

The good folks  at Ohana Ukuleles had their both at Winter NAMM in Anaheim stuffed with new goodies! In the accompanying video, Ohana CEO Louis Wu offers detailed descriptions (including tuning) on a wide variety of new models, including a…